'Sunspire Reprise' is a 2018 nod to Kesara's 2006 reportage at Adam's Peak or Sri Pada in the protected central hills of Sri Lanka. The British Colonial photographer William Skeen wrote in 1870, "There is perhaps no mountain in the world of which so wide-spread a knowledge exists , as Adam's Peak".
A temple housing what is purported to be a footprint of the Buddha, placed upon his visit to ancient Sri Lanka more than 2500 years hence, is at the summit and plays to Kesara's fascination with distance and viewpoints-from-afar. 
These works portray the mountain in different instances of its presence within the physical and cultural landscape of the country.

The collection includes the first of a digital manipulation series juxtaposing the architectural might of the surging metropolis of Colombo with the beacon that is Sri Pada. 

"[We] arrived at last at the island of Ceylon, a place well known, and in which is situated the mountain of Serendib. This appeared to us like a pillar of smoke, when we were at a distance of nine days from it."
Ibn Batuta (1344 A.D.)


Sri Pada, Adam's Peak, Adams Peak